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You can opt-out of these messages and to the use of your personal data at any time by clicking here. For more details please see our Privacy Policy  which explains the types of companies which may contact you and the way they will use the information you have provided today, as well as in the past. Be assured that any such parties us you data in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 (the Act) and the Privacy and Electronics Communication Regulations 2003 (EC Directive) as well as the EU GDP Regulations which came into effect on 25th May 2018.

Using & sharing your data and other purposes: We rely on a lawful ground called "legitimate interest" to share your data with all Marketing Services Providers, including Experian and Read Group who use it to create profiles of you and others to help organisations better understand their customers and find others like them. They will also share your data with their customers for marketing, targeted advertising, measurement & identity resolution purposes. Marketing Services Providers will profile you by combining the data we share with information they receive from other sources. They analyse this to predict your likely behavioural characteristics, preferences and circumstances. Combining your data with information from other sources also helps Marketing Services Providers to check the accuracy of the data they hold about you, and ensure it is up-to-date (known as “validation”). 

Fintrace may combine your information and share this data with other organisations to help them provide important information or return assets to you. Information may be used for collections and recoveries. You can restrict the processing here.

Marketing Services Providers share your data primarily to help organisations find offers, products and services that are appropriate and likely to be of interest to their customers; and communicate those to their customers more effectively. To understand more please click here

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